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Quilt Patch

The Quilt Patch has begun meeting again!


We meet the 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month starting at 10:00 AM in the church basement.  You don't need to know how to sew and quilt to join this group.  



















There is a semi-annual Quilt Blessing and Sale every spring and fall.  You may purchase a quilt for the amazing price of $40.  The quilts have new fabric on top and bottom and new filler.  They are approximately 60 x 80 inches in size.  Quilts not sold are donated to Lutheran World Relief for distribution throughout the world.


The quilt group makes 160+ quilts a year that Lutheran World Relief distributes in the US and all over the world for those in need.  We accept donations of time, money, and fabric for the tops and to purchase filler and sheets for the backs.  With donations from Thrivent, Advent members, and the sale of quilts we are self-supporting.  Our Quilt Patch volunteers work at church and at home.  



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7979 Meade St.

Westminster, CO 80030


Monday - Thursday

9:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Main Line: 303-428-7501

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